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Padahal, tidak semua SPBU tersebut adalah murni milik Pertamina. Sebagian besar pelanggan BBM Pertamina, mungkin masih beranggapan bahwa semua SPBU berlogo Pertamina adalah milik pemerintah. Although at the time of the study, there were queues that occurred during busy hours, namely at 08.00-09.00. - Gampang banget, cuma lihat kode ini langsung paham bedanya SPBU milik Pertamina dan swasta. bp Indonesia akan bikin 350 SPBU di Indonesia hingga 2028. Because the average level of consumers waiting in the queue (Lq) is 0.38802 or 0 consumers. BP-AKR Bikin 2 SPBU Baru, Begini Rencana Baru Perusahaan SPBU BP-AKR melayani pembelian BBM BP 92 dan BP Diesel. The results of research at SPBU 34-13907 East Jakarta City using queuing theory analysis, namely by calculating the Multiple Line Queuing Model is optimal.

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The data obtained by researchers is in the form of how many consumers are queuing per hour. Researchers took data by observing for 5 days for 7 hours. The service system used by SPBU 34-13907 in East Jakarta is First Come First Served (FCFS), namely first-come, first-served customers. The type of queuing system model at SPBU 34-13907 East Jakarta is Multi Channel Single-Phase (M / M / S).

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The research method used by researchers is the observation method. In order to show universitys logo in the background of the title slide. The research strategy used is descriptive. sty files from build directory into your project directory so that LaTeX can find them. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of the queuing system services and facilities for refueling at SPBU 34-13907, East Jakarta City.

#Spbu logo license#

Zoraya Juanita, Zoraya and Maliki, FarmansjahĪNALISIS ANTRIAN SPBU 34-13907 KOTA JAKARTA TIMUR.Īvailable under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial.

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